The Movement



We are building a crypto movement that fights for climate justice and economic empowerment. Here’s how.

Ending embezzlement and corruption. There is no doubt that there are lots of great nonprofits and charities; however, there exists a lack of transparency of where the money goes. We believe that transparency is non negotiable. Thus we support the use of blockchain technology that allows every fund to be transparent in its network.

Economic accessibility. Hundreds of millions of people in the world,  especially in developing countries, do not have access to financial services for reasons of gender and access to banks. We believe in a digital blockchain system that is decentralized from any barriers of access, allowing for every individual to become a custodian of their own assets. 

A just transition. The future of our planet depends on an expedited transition away from a global economy dependent on fossil fuels while improving the livelihoods of people around the world. We believe that blockchain technology can transform the old infrastructure in every industry, giving the essential update needed to run economically inclusive and climate-friendly systems.